Tag Archives: Dumbbell

Cable Rope Overhead Triceps Extension Guide

   Cable Rope Overhead Triceps Extension Guide Main Muscle: Triceps Attach a rope to the bottom pulley of the pulley machine. Grasping the rope with both hands, extend your arms with your hands directly above your head using a neutral … Continue reading

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Dumbbell Shrug Guide

  Dumbbell Shrug Guide Main Muscle: Trapezius  Stand erect with a dumbbell on each hand (palms facing your torso), arms extended on the sides. Lift the dumbbells by elevating the shoulders as high as possible while you exhale. Hold the … Continue reading

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External Rotation Guide

  External Rotation Guide Main Muscle: Deltoids  Lie sideways on a flat bench with one arm holding a dumbbell and the other hand on top of the bench folded so that you can rest your head on it. Bend the … Continue reading

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Dumbbell Bench Press Guide

  Dumbbell Bench Press Guide Main Muscle: Chest  Lie down on a flat bench with a dumbbell in each hand resting on top of your thighs. The palms of your hands will be facing each other. Then, using your thighs … Continue reading

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Straight-Arm Dumbbell Pullover Guide

Straight-Arm Dumbbell Pullover Guide Main Muscle: Chest     Place a dumbbell standing up on a flat bench. Ensuring that the dumbbell stays securely placed at the top of the bench, lie perpendicular to the bench (torso across it as … Continue reading

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Cable Wrist Curl Guide

  Cable Wrist Curl Guide Main Muscle: Forearms  Start out by placing a flat bench in front of a low pulley cable that has a straight bar attachment. Use your arms to grab the cable bar with a narrow to … Continue reading

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Standing Dumbbell Upright Row Guide

Standing Dumbbell Upright Row Guide Main Muscle: Trapezius     Grasp a dumbbell in each hand with a pronated (palms forward) grip that is slightly less than shoulder width. The dumbbells should be resting on top of your thighs. Your … Continue reading

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One-Arm Incline Lateral Raise Guide

  One-Arm Incline Lateral Raise Guide Main Muscle: Deltoids  Lie down sideways on an incline bench press with a dumbbell in the hand. Make sure the shoulder is pressing against the incline bench and the arm is lying across your … Continue reading

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Seated Flat Bench Leg Pull-In Guide

Seated Flat Bench Leg Pull-In Guide Main Muscle: Abdominals     Sit on a bench with the legs stretched out in front of you slightly below parallel and your arms holding on to the sides of the bench. Your torso … Continue reading

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Hanging Leg Raise Guide For Abdominals

Hanging Leg Raise Guide Main Muscle: Abdominals     Hang from a chin-up bar with both arms extended at arms length in top of you using either a wide grip or a medium grip. The legs should be straight down … Continue reading

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