Tag Archives: press

Wide-Grip Decline Barbell Bench Press Guide

Wide-Grip Decline Barbell Bench Press Guide Main Muscle: Chest     Lie back on a decline bench with the feet securely locked at the front of the bench. Using a wide, pronated (palms forward) grip that is around 3 inches … Continue reading

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Dumbbell Bench Press Guide

  Dumbbell Bench Press Guide Main Muscle: Chest  Lie down on a flat bench with a dumbbell in each hand resting on top of your thighs. The palms of your hands will be facing each other. Then, using your thighs … Continue reading

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Seated Barbell Military Press Guide

Seated Barbell Military Press Guide Main Muscle: Deltoids     Sit on a Military Press Bench with a bar behind your head and either have a spotter give you the bar (better on the rotator cuff this way) or pick … Continue reading

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Barbell Bench Press For Chest

Barbell Bench Press – Medium Grip Guide Main Muscle: Chest     Lie back on a flat bench. Using a medium width grip (a grip that creates a 90-degree angle in the middle of the movement between the forearms and … Continue reading

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