Tag Archives: strength

25 Ways To Improve Your Health

1. Diets are evil Because of their temporary nature, diets don’t work. The people who do lose weight end up gaining it back again once they come off the diet. Instead of dieting, try to change your lifestyle. The changes … Continue reading

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Full Body Workout

Bench Press(Chest) – Lie on a bench, step or floor, and hold a medium-heavy barbell straight up over your chest. Bend your elbows and lower the weight until elbows are at 90 degrees.  Press back up and repeat. Lateral Raise(Shoulders) – … Continue reading

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Exercises For Legs

Seated leg extension – this works the Quads – the muscles on the front of the thigh. With your back firm against the machine, your legs should be under the pad, just above your ankle level. Lift the weight smoothly, … Continue reading

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Tricep Workouts

Machine Tricep Dips, aim to do 3 sets of as many reps as possible whilst maintaining correct form. If you can not work using a dips machine, perform your dips on a bench with either your feet up on another … Continue reading

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Ultimate Bicep Workout

Standing Biceps using either cable pulley or free weights, keep the elbows tucked into the side, avoiding any swinging movement. Aim to this set as a rapid drop set, working ideally with 4 -6 different weights, start heavy then work … Continue reading

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5 Chest Workout Routines

Inclined bench (30°) 1 set 12 – 15 reps with lightweight, concentrate on good technique, and warming the chest muscles up, so your muscles are ready for the upcoming chest workout routines. Follow this with 2-3 sets with 10 -12 … Continue reading

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7 Abdominal Workouts

Ball Crunch Abdominal Workout Lie with the ball resting under the mid/lower back and place hands behind the head or across the chest.  Contract your abs to lift your the torso off the ball, pulling the bottom of your ribcage … Continue reading

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